I managed to attend the talk, although I had to drive alone there. There were total of 6 attendees including myself. The speaker, Sulynn was a fun person and she made the whole session lively and easy to understand. Below was what I understood from the talk
First she started off by explaining certain factors that determine if a child or adult not happy. According to her, 50% of it come from genetic. How about the other 50%? For a child, 15% came from parental influence, another 15% from how parents interacted with each other, another 15% from parent childhood experience. I forgot what the rest of 5% was, but I remembered vividly it was something from the child. Therefore, parents governed about 45% of the factors to make a child a happy kid or sad kid. From as young as 2+ years old, one could remember how once the parents interact ( e.g quarrel), and that could impacted the child for life. ( here I took a deep breath, and thought....ok, must be real careful);
For adult or grownup (inc teenage age, I think) wise, 10% was the environmental factor, then another 40% came from pessimistic/optimistic thinking i.e how we chose to think or what angle we look in a certain cicumstances. The example she used was if there was telephone ringing in the midnight, before you picked up the phone, what came up in your mind, pessimistic person would think of bad news, optimistic person would think of possibly an overseas call... According to Sulynn, this 40% was the area that we could mold. If a child was sad in 'nature', we could help them to think positively to turn the child to be happy one. ( I think the parent must first able to think positively, which I myself was still trying to learn) I think this is not only applicable to parenting but also in any relationship).
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