HE has no problem starting solid on the dot when she is 6 months old. She eat what is given and I have tried to introduce to her different food. However, when she is about 8 months old, she starts to say no, and become fussy about food. She eat very little each time and that make me stress. When she crawl here and there, I also practically almost crawl with her trying to feed her. Only when she starts walking then it is relatively less tiring to feed her as I just grab her arm to make her stop for a while to be fed ( if only that feed get to pass down her throat)
I have tried to make her sit at the booster seat and feed her, but she will spit it out after taking the most 2-3 spoons. Or she will keep that feed for a record of half an hour. She is merely 7kg at 1 year old, already considered at the borderline to underweight. Already I am stressed with her slow weight gain, even more so with such eating behaviour. How come this fully breastfed baby seem not quite accepting variety of food as what I read or learn from books? I try comfort myself by lowering down by expectation and try all the tricks that I can think of to get her eat.
Now she is about 34 months old, eating habit and the amount of food taken is a bit better. She is around 12kg (I have stopped pressing against her weight as long as the growth curve is increasing, regardless if its at the white or even yellow zone). Now she can take a lot if only its plain white rice. In fact, she can finish a chinese bowl full of rice in less than 10 mins (note: she feed herself very well using spoon). But once mix with vege or meat, she will starts to be keep her lips tight or keep the food in the mouth like a hamster. Another trick that I observe is her appetite is better if there is soup. She will reject if she sees there is only mean+/- vege on the spoon, but once I add soup to it, then she will take it.
I have bought a book from Popular bookstore on recipe of 100 types of soup, hopefully that will help her eating. Knowing that there will be another baby to take care, I won't be able to concentrate on feeding her like before. Lets hope she will become no more fussy on food when her little sibling come along. I also pray that the little one will walop everything offered. Real stress out when come to fussy eater.
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