Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Overdue Pregnancy 40 weeks + 2 days

I am still pregnant till now. Unlike the previous weeks, I felt more tired and getting more sleepy during the days. I do feel some light contractions, or should I just call it as Braxton Hicks. However these contractions are not strong, it come and go so I doubt I will in labour anytime soon.

I am anxious. I do, even feel a bit disheartened. The waiting game is making me feeling like the day is getting longer and longer. I drag to go to work as I expect I am at home around this time and its seem pointless to start anything at work. So i just the clock goes by doing some readings and minimum routine daily work at office.

My mood is getting low. One of the thing that can help distracting me is blogging, shopping and shopping. I do hope to get holidays to go to catch a movie or even two, but I don't feel safe to drive alone now. My sis and husband can't really take leave and my mother in law is not a suitable company for movie or shopping. I am also getting more worried, as the later the baby is out, the more time I will be doing confinement alone as my mother in law will be away at 3rd week of April. Hence my mother in law could only be with me for around 2 weeks for confinement only. From my first experience, I was not quite settled until after I finished confinement.

I am counting baby movements every day. In one hour time I can already feel 10 movements already which I record between 8.30am to 9.30 am. I don't need to record further movements but it give me reassurance that my baby is still doing ok inside my womb.

Today as I read "Our daily bread", I learn that I should just let HIM rule.

Hopefully my cervix is already opened tomorrow during the gynae appointment and baby is ready to be out.

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