The Pethidine was really making me drowsy and sleepy. I remembered my vision was a bit blur and I was weak, probably the contraction pain plus the pethidine. A staff nurse came to do the routine fetal stress test again. Each session lasted around 20 mins I think. However, I couldn't really stayed in one position, I had to turned left, then right when contraction pain started. When the nurse came, she found the test result was abnormal suggesting that the fetal could be in distress now, so she wanted to run the test again to confirm.
However, this time I felt that there was a strong force pushing downwards. I told the nurse ( I tried to recall the malay words that I used to describe but I really couldn't remember). Then she called in a few more nurses, one of the experienced nurse touched my tummy and asked me if something was pushing down. I said yes. Then she checked the cervix opening, it was 2.5cm wide (in my mind: huh!, after such long hours of suffering). All of sudden, everything was happening in a rush ( I think, it was not because of the opening but the pushing force). The nurse quickly put me on a wheel chair, and wheeled me to the lift. On the way, they kept telling " don't push...don't push..." and I kept saying " I don't want to but its pushing, its pushing!". The 'arguement' continued till I was put on the bed in labour room. They checked the cervix opening again, I remembered the nurse said 4 cm. I really hold on the voluntary pushing, the involunatary force really pushed strongly.
Finally my gynae came, she checked the opening and counting " 5, 6, 7,8,9, ok!" I was put in semi sitting position with my thigh lifted up. "Push!" I could feel the contraction force coming, I took a deep breath and push......while exhaling. After 2-3 attempts, baby head should be crowned but not out yet. My gynae put in a urine catheter and empty the bladder and asked me to push without hesitation ( as I probably was holding back due to some bowel movement too :P). So I pushed 2 more times, finally the head was out, another push! then I could feel the baby slipped out and being put on my tummy. I was so happy! and even tried to calm the crying baby. My hubby then was passed the scissor to cut the umbilical cord. Then I had to push another time to let the placenta out with little effort. Then the nurse took the baby and showed the private part to me and asked " what baby is this?" "girl" I answered. ( This reminded me a joke which in some cases, the mother may answer, baby cina, malay or indian, ha!)
After the cleaning and weighing ( HE birth weight was 2.91kg), baby was put into my arm again. I could see this little girl was already curious withe outside world, her eyes was opened and looking here and there. I put her to my breast and the breastfeeding journey began...
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