Despite having to pay both babysitter and preschool, meaning more expenditure to hubby and I, we still go ahead to send HE to preschool as young as before she is 3. We believe that the critical time for learning is 0-6 years old. Instead of letting her watching TV all the time at babysitter place during these golden years, she is better off in learning more things in a preschool.
I like the concept of montesorri that develop good character in children including being independent and proactive. ( as I have seen many youngsters that wait to be spoonfed and very passive in my working areas, although they are probably smart and have good knowledge). Hence we send her to a Montersorri based preschool sometime near my place for half-day. Then HE is back to babysitter place until we pick her up after work. We make this arrangement as keeping the babysitter allow us to be more flexible in case we come home late or need to be away during weekend for work. Apart from that, HE love the babysitter and we are satisfied with her so far as she is indeed good.
Apart from first day, babysitter is the one sending and pickping HE to and from school for the past one month. Since I am on leave today, I send HE to school. As mentioned by babysitter, HE doesn't reject the school, but she stay really quiet and shy, even to her regular teacher. This is so opposite to her normal self when she is at home or babysitter place, which she is non-stop talking and running here and there. As I say bye-bye to her, her expression is down, eye fill with tears as she watch me going out. Anyhow, my heart also sank. "Have I done wrongly by sending her to school? maybe she doen't like the school at all?" suddenly these thoughts and sense of regrets creep up. But at least she didn't reject teacher to carry her when I walk to the car, that shows that she does accept her. Hope she will get used to the school soon and be a cheerful girl there.
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